FAIRterm Web Application


The terminological entries compiled and validated with the FAIRterm Web application are integrated in the following ongoing projects. These research projects are carried out jointly by the Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies and the Department of Information Engineering respectively supervised by Federica Vezzani and Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio.

TriMED - Medical Termbase

TriMED is a multilingual terminological database resulting from the work carried out in Federica Vezzani's PhD thesis (defended in December 2020). The resource was conceived in order to tackle different problems related to the complexity of medical terminology in three languages: Italian, English and French. In particular, it can be used by:

  • Patients, who can look for the popularized version of specialized terms in order to favor the comprehension of medical information;
  • Translators, who can consult structured terminological entries providing a wide range of information in both source and target language;
  • Physicians, who, in terms of interoperability, can consult other useful medical resources such as MeSH terms, SNOMED CT etc.
You can access the TriMED resource at this link: https://purl.org/trimed.

CAMEO - Commercial Terminology Resource

CAMEO (CommerciAl terMinology rEsOurce) is the terminological database developed within the research project "La terminologia del commercio: progettazione e implementazione di una banca dati terminologica multilingue per le lingue speciali delle attività manifatturiere del Veneto" launched in January 2021 with Prof. Geneviève Henrot as Principal Investigator. The resource aims at collecting the terminology of the following commercial domains:

  • Agri-food
  • Textile
  • Leather
  • Glass
You can access the CAMEO resource at this link: https://purl.org/cameo.

DITTO - Disarmament International Treaty TerminOlogy

DITTO - (Disarmament International Treaty TerminOlogy) is the terminological database developed in collaboration with the research project YourTerm Juri to collect relevant terminology in the field of justice and legal terminology. In particular, this subproject analyses the principles of international law and international agreements on weapons of mass destruction that are conveyed by technical and specialised terminology.
The linguistic collaborator to this project is Dr. Sara Silecchia.
You can access the DITTO resource at this link: https://purl.org/ditto.

International Digital Glossary Performative Arts - Drama & Theatre in Education

This glossary is an attempt to conceptualise the complexity and cultural diversity of pedagogical practices that are inspired by the performative arts. It is aimed at teachers, researchers and artists working in international contexts.
The digital German-English/English-German version of the glossary serves as a point of reference for translations into other languages. In this version, special consideration was given to the specifics of German and English-speaking countries, for example, by making explicit reference to the disciplines of Theaterpädagogik (theatre pedagogy) and Drama & Theatre in Education. As we work on versions in other languages, terms from other culture-specific traditions will be added, making the glossary increasingly inter- and transnational. Users worldwide can access it at any time via FAIRTERM and it is envisaged to make the multilingual terminology stored on this platform available also via apps in the future.
More detailed information on this project can be accessed at:

Project Management: Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Manfred Schewe, Florian Vaßen, Federica Vezzani
Coordination of the different glossary versions:
German-English/English-German: Florian Vaßen / Manfred Schewe
Italian-English/English-Italian: Serena Cecco
Spanish-English/English-Spanish: Friedhelm Roth-Lange